I've been a bad blogger lately...one main reason- NURSING SCHOOL STARTED. :) You can tell from my monster stack of books, it has been very time consuming. But I'm loving it!

A couple of weekends ago we were invited with a big group from Sunday School to go in a stretch Hummer to Jackson to eat at Bonsai. One of the couples had bought a house, and their realtor gave them a night out in a limo as a gift! It was SO much fun. Gigi and Captain (my parents) kept Brody in Starkville. We stayed out way past our bedtime of the usual 9:00!!! This picture was at the end of the night. Do we look tired or what?!

Brody turns 6 months old this week!!! We can't believe how fast it's gone by. He changes every single day. It is such a joy and privilege to be his mommy! He makes us laugh all the time, and he adds so much happiness to our days. The other night Brad put him in the warm laundry and he LOVED it.