Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, May 9, 2009


Yes, we are still alive! I'm busy finishing up the semester, and have a final on Tuesday. I've been studying hard and it's looking like I'll have a 4.0 this semester! God has really blessed me balancing a toddler, husband, and nursing school.
We are leaving for the beach with my family Tuesday. I can't wait to relax and not have to study for the next 3 months!!! Brody is walking ALL over the place, and we're getting our exercise chasing him. He is still the greatest joy and makes us laugh and smile all day long.

1 comment:

Jon and Jessica said...

Good luck on your exam! You are a rock star 4.0--Congratulations!! Sorry we are going to miss you guys when you are in FL. Enjoy the beach!