We got a new maid. It is great- I go to bed with a clean sink, countertops, kitchen table, stove, microwave, and refrigerator. I wake up and the bathrooms sparkle and smell so lovely...
Ok so we didn't get a maid. I'm our maid... but I feel like these 2 products are crack for people who clean house. I will admit I keep the house neat, but not like spotless-obsessed with cleanliness- over the top...TIL NOW. I mean, now days I clean the countertops that aren't even dirty. This is a huge breakthrough. So now I will introduce you to my inspiration...
Brad's New Best Friend (BNBF we'll call it) #1

Clorox disinfecting wipes. It seems like right now, between church and school, EVERYONE is sick and got some kinda crud going on. So I basically wipe down everything. These are amazing. I even got a stain off the wall that I had scrubbed with 3 different things, and these wipes didn't even phase the kacki paint. Awesome. I got down on my knees in the bathroom and scrubbed every inch of the floor... This is NOT normal for me. And the lavender scent is like a breath of fresh air. Love it.

Mr. Clean all surface Lavender. Again. This is what my kitchen counters are getting entirely too much of. It's great. I want to spray it in the air just for the smell...
I should buy stock in clorox wipes. I LOVE them.
You crack me up! I am going to get some just to see if I will become as inspired as you are to clean everything!
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