I'm posting a link to a video showing information about the online study Oprah is doing right now- people are calling it the "Church of Oprah". I don't expect many comments on this post since religion is such a touchy subject, BUT I'm not afraid to share my personal opinion...
As a Christian, I find this very scary and disturbing that such an influential person is spreading a terribly WRONG message about God, Heaven, and God's Word. There are too many people in the world who are lost and searching for hope who are not Christians that are going to find fulfillment from her empty teachings. The book she is using and its author is so far off and when he was questioned about what happens when we die he responds "I DON'T GIVE IT ANY THOUGHT." To me, this is sad.
I am here to say- I believe in God, and I believe Jesus was His son who died on the cross to save me of my sins. I am undeserving but God is full of grace and LOVE. I believe I am going to live in Heaven with Jesus when my life on earth ends.But hey- if you want to believe that "religion
is not about believing but about feeling" as Oprah says, then I guess that's your choice...