Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, August 15, 2007


Right now I really wish I lived in Alaska. This heat is beyond ridiculous...all my flowers- dead. our grass-pretty much looks dead.

Moose is scared to go outside- he stands at the doorway like he's about to have to step in an oven. I feel like he thinks we're torturing him, when really we just don't want monstorous doggy piles on our hardwood floors.

On another note... I decided that weeks 6-12 of pregnancy should altogether be magically fastforwarded/skipped. These last couple of weeks I've been welcomed to the world of "morning sickness" that lasts morning, noon, and night. This is NOT fun- the fact that I was VERY unprepared and hadn't read up on any books to know what was about to happen to my body doesn't help. If I had known, I probably would have talked to Brad about using 3+ forms of birth control. Just kidding. Anyway- I know it will all be worth it in the end. I've cried like a little girl for my mom on more than one occasion, and I feel like the biggest wuss. I really should make a CD of "Big Girls Don't Cry" and listen to it on repeat- maybe that will pump me up... :)

Sunday, August 5, 2007

We can't wait any longer!!!

Ok friends...hope you're sitting down. That's right- the Joneses are having a HONEYMOON BABY!!!

Timeline: Married June 16th-- conception ~June 20= baby due March 20!!!

People- I've heard the stories of it happening, but never thought it would be me, but he we are EXPECTING our very own MIRACLE OF LIFE!
We went to the doctor last Friday, and even this early we saw a tiny heart beating! It was so amazing!

A couple of weeks ago when I first took a test at home, we were in shock and VERY scared, but now we are filled with pure excitement! We are so HAPPY- I'll keep everyone updated!

Friday, August 3, 2007


I apologize up front for these last 2 posts being kindof "downers", but it's just what's going on in life right now---
For those of you who don't know, my current job is being a nanny for a family in Memphis. I started a few weeks ago, and it was a very unique opportunity...
I met with the husband/dad initially for an interview, who told me he needed help with his 9 year old son, Carlisle.

Mr. Bruce owns a Hampton Inn in San Juan Puerto Rico, and normally he travels there once a month, so his wife tends to all their son's needs while he's gone. The other part of the story is that his wife is terminally ill with lung cancer that was diagnosed only 6 months ago. She is 47 and had never smoked in her life. She isn't able to care for their son the way she used to. He brought along a picture of her to our meeting, and I could see how in love they are. He was so proud of his beautiful wife. Over the last few weeks, I have come to know Mr. Bruce, Mrs. Lisa, and Carlisle all very well. Mrs. Lisa was put into the hospital 2 weeks ago with pain in her leg, which by the end of the day it was determined she was paralyzed due to the cancer reaching her spine. The cancer was spreading faster than it could be treated. She was brought home last week, and Mr. Bruce has cared for her in the most loving, beautiful way I have ever heard of or witnessed. He has not left her side for a minute. He had an interior designer come 3 days before she was brought home and REDO the entire master bedroom to make it look "the way she always wanted it to"-replacing carpet, bedspreads, pillows, curtains, and a new flat screen TV.
Carlisle is precious, and he is a strong little man. Today, Mrs. Lisa went to meet Jesus at 4:45. Pray for the Edenton family. You can follow their sweet story at Go to Visit a Caring Bridge website and type in "lisaedenton".

Wednesday, August 1, 2007


Everyone please pray for Slade's inlaw's family (The Chancellors). Julia (Slade's wife) has 2 brothers, Will and Trey. On Sunday, Trey was with about 12 friends at the Tombigbee river. He fell out of the boat they were all riding in, and it ran over him. One of his lungs collapsed and he was drowning, but there was a fireman/paramedic in the group that saved him and performed CPR. They got him to the Columbus hospital, where he is now in Critical condition on a ventilator. He has lost 5 pints of blood, but has no scrapes or cuts so they've got to determine what is causing it internally. Pray dilligently for Trey and the Chancellors and Slade please. He is very close to Julia's brothers.