Have yall missed me?!!!
I can't believe it's been so long since I posted, but things have been crazy around our house. With our 2 week vacation, then returning home to a BAD stomach virus, we haven't had much time to do anything. But I want everyone to see how much our little man is changing!!!
He is SO FUN. Lately:
-he's made the change from hating the bath (screaming at the top of his lungs) to LOVING it (he gets in, smiles, then pees in his fresh water...EVERYTIME) Brad and I can't help but laugh though :)

-he WAKES UP smiling. He is such a happy kid. He literally opens his eyes, realizes it's the morning and GRINS until he gets his bottle. It's so sweet.
-he drools ALOT (see outfit below)

-Brad still thinks it's funny to put things on his head. The other night it was a diaper.

-he holds stuffed animals when he sleeps. It's adorable. I put him in our bed the other morning, and I had to get a picture. It was sweet.

He looks so much like you in the pics with the diaper on his head! :)
that picture of brody holding a stuffed animal is precious! how sweet
He is TOO cute!!!
Oh my gosh! He is so adorable!!! I think he looks like you now?
WE have missed Brody over the past few weeks!!! I love all these pictures! Hope ya'll had a GREAT trip!
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