The long weekend went by way too fast! I was so glad to get a break- no matter how short it was. The beach was awesome! Beautiful weather, family time, great food, and sunburns! There were SO many people at the beach, and the waiting times at restaurants averaged about 2 hours. We went to Bayside Grill, and when they told us the wait was at least 2 hours we all said under our breath "yeah right". Then- 2 hours later and stuffed with appetizers, we said "Let's go." Yes, we really left after waiting that long. :) We figured we wouldn't actually be getting our meals until like 10:30 pm, and that would just be disgusting to go home and go to bed after eating that late. Anyway- overall, the Memorial Day was great and relaxing.
On a downer note, I have a sad beach story as well. It was the first time I've ever experienced something like we did, and I hope it's the last. Monday afternoon, we all were on our balcony and we looked down to see all these people (like at least 100) standing at the edge of the water. There was a jetski racing around and also what looked like 5 life guards swimming out in the waves. Also, a coast guard ship was coming into that area as well. So Dani, Kevin, Brad, and I decide to go take a stroll down the beach and see what all the commotion is about. We get down there, only to be told that a man started drowing about 30 minutes earlier. 2 guys went in to save him, but he was pulling them under so they had to leave him. He had not been seen since...
We had been standing there about 15 minutes, when I look over and realize that the lifeguards are at the shoreline CARRYING A BODY OUT. You have no idea the gut wrenching feeling of seeing that- I did not know this man. No ONE on the beach knew this man. The paramedics laid him down, hooked him up, shocked him twice, and nothing happened. Over 100 people just witnessed this man's death. They covered him up with beach towels and put him on a board and took him slowly away on a 4 wheeler. People everywhere were crying- I can't even explain it. Tears filled my eyes, and I didn't know him. I think that was the saddest part about it was that he had appeared to be at the beach alone. Needless to say, we all walked back to the condo in silence. I thought about it the whole rest of the day and still do. It makes me thankful that I have a family who loves me. We all need to remember to be grateful for all the wonderful people in our lives. Life is so fragile- tell the people you love that you LOVE them.
that is so sad about that guy. so tragic.
we are going to orange beach at the end of june...i cannot wait! love bayside grill! that place is delish.
gosh...that is so sad
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